Friday, January 25, 2013

This Body of Mine

Here's a summary of what's going on with me medically...

About a year ago (coming up in February) I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. Rewind months prior to that and you get my Grandma and Mom talking to my Husband saying I'm fat and need to get my thyroid checked out... Several women in my family are Hypothyroid (Aunt, Grandma, Great Aunt...) and have been able to regulate their hormones (and weight) through medication. So... after months of knowing I needed to go, and enough nagging for a lifetime, I finally made an appointment with my local doctor. I made an appointment at the UW Medical center, thinking they would be the most up-to-date with Thyroid issues. Boy was I wrong. After doing test after test, they found my thyroid was a 4.8 and was "within normal." But, my testosterone levels were elevated so they diagnosed me with PCOS (also in the family). Her solution to both was to put me on birth control (and lecture me that she didn't approve of my decision not to have kids and that I shouldn't be with someone the age of my husband, but that's another story for another time). Needless to say I said thanks but no thanks, refer me to an endocrinologist.

I researched for what seemed like weeks to find the perfect Endocrinologist who wasn't as concerned with treating the numbers but looking at the underlying symptoms and figure out what was really wrong. This led me to the Polyclinic with Dr. M. I was nervous that he wouldn't take my case because he doesn't take on new patients unless they're really messed up and would interest him in the medical field. Well, one look at my chart and I had an immediate appointment.

From our first meeting I knew Dr. M would be able to help me. I decided to focus on the Thyroid thing and not really bring up my PCOS (not knowing that my PCOS was causing most of my symptoms- oops). He instantly put me on two different thyroid medications, while saying my last doctor was pretty much an idiot and was using the old model of "normal" thyroid levels. Normal is between 0.4 and 3, and I was way too high (he likes to see his patients ideally around 0.4 and 1.8), but that what's normal for one person doesn't mean it's normal for another... One might function perfectly fine at 3.7 but be Hyperthyroid 3.5 and Hypothyroid at 3.9, it's all on your body, not what some chart says. So, I've been going back every few months to get tested and adjust my meds.

The last time I went I decided to talk to him about my PCOS because I felt my Thyroid problem was getting under control. First, I was dead wrong about my Thyroid. For some reason my tests came back and I was an 8! An 8! Yeah, I missed a few pills here and there, but wow, almost double what I originally was tested for?! Must be a mistake (I get my labs still at the UW because they're close) but he still upped my meds just to be safe, and I feel fine with the new dosage. Anyways, back to the PCOS... I told him my symptoms: weight gain, inability to lose weight, hair growth, family history, cysts on my ovaries, no period for almost a year... He freaked when I said that last one and questioned why I never mentioned it before. Instantly he scheduled me for several tests on Monday that would take hours (I saw him on Friday).

Tests came back... Testosterone through the roof, glucose fine and normal fasting and after eating, but I was extremely insulin resistance. Found out that if you're insulin resistant, it messes with all sorts of things, hence no period. So, he put me on Metformin extended release, starting out at 500mg once a day and moving to 1000 mg in two weeks.

Metformin and me:
The first day I took it, instantly felt sick, and slept most of the day. Day two, no appetite, nauseous, headaches, oh and threw up at work (thank god no one was in the bathroom!). Day three, same as two but no throwing up (mini victory), day four and five just tired and horrible headaches. I've read that headaches are a side effect of the medication, but I'm also hoping it's because I've been under a lot of stress at work this week. I have to come in to work for a few hours tomorrow to catch up on some orders with being gone for the doc (Saturday) so hopefully the headache is gone.

Updates to come... Oh yeah, and I've had skin cancer, but again, that's another story...

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